Death Valley Photography Workshops By Great Basin School of Photography


$1,695 USD

Group Size

8 Persons

Select from our three Death Valley itineraries! For the ‘adventure’ session starting March 28, our objective will be to show you the Racetrack and the tallest dunes on the West Coast (nearly 700 feet high), where we can also capture the Milky Way. To shoot at night in these remote locations, we will need to camp. We will all need high clearance (at least 8″) and All Terrain rated tires. No 4WD vehicle? No problem! If you prefer not to subject your vehicle to five days of unpaved road (including Racetrack Road), Jeep rentals are available. We prefer to keep this group small.

When we were researching Jeff’s ‘Photographing California Vol. 2 – South’ 320-page guidebook, we wanted to cover Death Valley thoroughly. We explored many remote roads, valleys, and ridges and found some unique and compelling sites that few people get to see. We look forward to showing you some of them in peak spring wildflower conditions, with the dark sky and the Milky Way shining brightly at night!

In this solar maximum period and close to the equinox, we may even capture faint red aurora borealis to the north. Jeff was the winner of the 2011 International Astronomy Photographer of the Year ‘People and Space’ special prize from the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and his website is ranked as a Top 30 Astrophotography Blog. We are always looking for bonus landscape astrophotography opportunities while scheduling trips for peak landscape photography opportunities as well!




5 Nights

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