Mexico City Street Photography Workshop • February 2025 By Mark Schumann Photo Tours


$4,450 USD

Group Size

6 Persons

Join me in Mexico City to explore the challenging and rewarding genre of street photography. Our experience together will include group discussions in which we will consider different styles, ways of working and approaches to street photography, image sharing, group photo walks, one-on-one photo walks, and personal time for each participant to photograph on their own if they desire. We will also take advantage of opportunities to practice cityscape photography.

Limited to six participants, each workshop begins with an introductory dinner on the first evening and concludes with a closing dinner on the evening of the sixth day. Thus, the first and final days are essentially travel days. The registration fee of $4,450 USD includes workshop tuition, single-occupancy hotel nights, dinners (excluding alcohol), and transportation during the workshop.

Explore with fellow photographers some of the world’s most vibrant cities for street photography. Discover new ways of seeing and photographing street life. Develop your own unique vision for creating interesting and compelling images.

Not included
• airfare to the destination city
• transfers between the airport and the host hotel
• morning and noon meals
• passport and visa fees
• travel insurance (recommended but not required)

A deposit of $1,500 USD is payable upon registration, with the balance due 90 days prior to the workshop. For more information or to register, contact me at [email protected] or call me at 505.901.2544.

Daily Itinerary

• Breakfast (on your own)
• 08:30-10:30: Morning photo walks around the historic centre. We will work in groups of two or three rather than as one larger group. Participants who may prefer to photograph on their own will be welcome to do so
• 10:30-Noon: Discussion of approaches to street photography and image reviews.
• Noon-13:30: Lunch/free time
• 13:30-16:30: Afternoon photo walks in the neighbourhoods of Coyoacán, Bosque de Chapultepec, La Roma, and La Condesa. Allowing for drive time, we will have at least two hours of photography each afternoon
• 16:30-17:30: Free time – Mark will be available for one-on-one photo walks in the historical centre before dinner
• 17:30-19:00: Group dinner


10 Feb 2025


7 Days

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